“Feel Better”

Picture of Lina Patel

Lina Patel

“Feel Better” by Lina Patel, performed by Paul Fitzgerald.

The 24 HR. Plays

“Feel Better” by Lina Patel, performed by Paul Fitzgerald.


When Mark Armstrong and the 24 Hour Plays team asked me to make a third 24 Hour Viral Monologue for their one-year anniversary round, I said yes immediately. Previous actors I was paired with were the wonderful Melia Kreilng and Mia Ellis. This time I was thrilled to be teamed up with my friend, the multi-talented Paul Fitzgerald, who took my frenzy of midnight-oil burning words and brought them to humorous, soulful and musical life.

The pieces are written, rehearsed and recorded in only 24 hours. They’ve been written about in the New York Times. The monologues are archived on Instagram @24hourplays. They bring creative communities together to benefit charities and nonprofits.  Monologues are free to view. Always. You can support their mission and donate at 24hourplays.com/donate. Thanks for watching!

24 Hour Plays